Monday, October 19, 2009

King Lear

What influences Lear and the people around him to do what they do? Some possibilities could be the images of authority and want for love. Power can also play a role in why they act in certain ways. Could Desperation also play a role?
  • Authority
    • people want to serve Lear (Kent and Oswald) and want him to reward them for their servitude. in a similar way, his daughters profess their love for him, wanting to please him and earn some of his land.
  • Love
    • Lear's daughter profess their love for him in order to gain something from him.
    • Cordilia truly loves her father, and thus, chooses not to say it elegantly because she believes love is more than just words. However, her father does not understand this and thinks she does not love him and sends her away.
    • Edmund likes both Regan and Goneril and decides he will be with whichever one does not die.
  • Power
    • Many people strive for power, and when they are in the position of power, they can abuse it.
      • Lear goes crazy when he realizes he is loosing his power.
      • Others try to undermine him for his power
  • Desperation
    • In Lear's desperation and loss of his kingdom, he goes mad, and acts erractically.